The story behind the story

Ok, so, let me start from the beginning, here also.

I started playing role-playing games back in the year 2000, and after that, I think I started playing Shadowrun in 2003, or something. 

My first character was an ork named Gephard. He was big and strong and nice. A bit funny, if you ask me. Good sense of humour. The next character was a huge troll named Hippie. He was also big and strong and kind. You see a pattern here? 

Then I got to create a new character altogether. She was a shapeshifter named Wolf. She was physically weak, a bit naive, didn't know much about the human society. She walked out of the forest and into the world of running.

After Wolf I noticed that those big and strong characters lacked depth. They were good for fighting, but I didn't know how to make them mine, so I changed. The troll left to open a flower store, and Bitch was born. 

Wolf still felt more like my character, it had more me in it, but Bitch was a good character too. Nowadays I have totally renewed Bitch's past, to make it more real. Now I want to share her story here, and with the text I try to be "in character".

I write whenever I've played. Because all the runs we have played I have already written and published, this blog will have long breaks between stories. When players live in different parts of the country it is a bit of a challenge to get everybody together. But we still manage to do that ever once in a while.

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